Using the pop-up cube technique, my final artist book has four boxes that each represent a different aspect of my book : fun, materials, colour psychology, and games. I have decided to relate my book to our interior practices project because it is primarily about joy, activity and fun. Little cubes come out from within the box to the outside when it is opened, giving the reader an entertaining and engaging experience.

The book's cover highlights engagement and interaction, enticing readers to dive into its pages. I have included components about human and non-human connections into the pop-up cubes to give the book more depth and significance. It also allows readers to engage more deeply with the ideas and concepts presented in the book in addition to taking happiness of both its visual and tactile elements. Overall, my artist book offers its audience a happy and captivating experience by combining creativity, interactivity, and thematic relevance.

A step-by-step tutorial for making a pop-up cubes box card the following supplies are required:

  1. a piece of paper (for the foundation)  
  2. Elastic bands made of rubber
  3. Adhesive
  4. Cutter
  5.  Paper that is textured and coloured (for decoration)

This is a brief, step-by-step tutorial:

Set up the Base: Trim out paper to the appropriate size for the card base. (21cm x 18.5cm)
Create the Cubes: Using glue, cut and fold squares of coloured paper into cubes.
Attach the Cubes: Place the cubes in a grid pattern on the base paper and adhere them with glue. In order to create the Pop-Up mechanism, cut the rubber elastic bands into tiny pieces.
A cube's the inside needs to have one end of an elastic band attached, and the base paper should receive the other end. For every cube, repeat these steps.
Decorate: Apply patterns or images to the cubes and base using coloured and textured paper.
Finishing Touches: To activate the pop-up feature, carefully fold the card after letting the glue dry. 

New cover of artist book

fig.1. cover of artist book
fig.4. folding cubes
fig.2. final artist book 
fig.3. pop up cubes



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