
Showing posts from March, 2024


A dynamic and interactive work of art, the "never-ending folding artist book based on play and joy" aims to inspire feelings of discovery and joy. It’s continuous folding structure, which lets readers unfold and uncover new layers of fun images and captivating content indefinitely, is what makes this common book format unique. The book, which is based on the idea of playfulness, invites readers to engage with its unfolding pages, promoting curiosity and joy at every turn. The book embraces the inherent happiness found in creativity and exploration by inviting readers of all ages to take part on a journey of discovery through vivid colours, playful illustrations, and creative narratives.   fig1.Never ending artist book pages The third artist book is a multi-layered masterwork that is skillfully put together to communicate the critical message of marine pollution prevention and conservation. With each layer based on a different aspect of marine life from colourful coral reefs